القائمة الرئيسية


Sales Coordinator


Job Description

Sales Coordinator (travel agency- tourism)

Listed below are the most desired skills and qualities in sales executives:

1. Ability to Forecast – Sales Executives must break-free from their mindset of merely being the revenue streams for a business and must be aware of the many aspects of sales management such as sales numbers, attrition, headcount, training needs, etc.

2. Listening Skills – Listening skills are crucial to sales executives, as being in the moment with the prospective customers will help you gain their trust.

3. Positive Thinking – Having a positive attitude is crucial for sales executives as it influences their performance especially when there are times when cracking sales deals seem very difficult.

4. Interpersonal Skills – Good interpersonal skills are a major requirement for sales executives as it helps you in maintaining and forging a long-lasting relationship with the customers.

5. Confidence – The main job of sales executives is to convince their potential customers that the product they are selling is the best. For that, sales executives have to have conviction in the product they are selling.

6. Product Knowledge – Confidence and conviction can only come if Sales Executives have through and intensive knowledge of the product they are selling.

Job Details

Job Location
Al Kuwait, Kuwait
Company Industry
Travel Agency
Company Type
Employer (Private Sector)
Employment Type
Full Time Employee
Monthly Salary Range
Number of Vacancies

Preferred Candidate

Career Level
Entry Level
Years of Experience
Max: 3

  • فيس بوك
  • بنترست
  • تويتر
  • واتس اب
  • لينكد ان
  • بريد

إظهار التعليقات
  • تعليق عادي
  • تعليق متطور
  • عن طريق المحرر بالاسفل يمكنك اضافة تعليق متطور كتعليق بصورة او فيديو يوتيوب او كود او اقتباس فقط قم بادخال الكود او النص للاقتباس او رابط صورة او فيديو يوتيوب ثم اضغط على الزر بالاسفل للتحويل قم بنسخ النتيجة واستخدمها للتعليق

مدونة وظيفتى